3 Things to be Thankful for Post Election!

3 Things to be Thankful for Post Election!

Let's talk about the need to focus on the positives and to remain Thankful! Over the past couple of days my family has been all over the place with our emotions. It is a hard pill to swallow that 55 yrs after the Civil Right's movements half of our country is still blind to the fact that their vote for a racist confirms that in fact black lives still don't matter. I spent sometime explaining the Senate and the House to my children and how THAT in fact was the biggest loss to come out of this election and how it will most likely impact their lives negatively. Edit…I started this right after the election, but there is a chance that we could flip more seats in the Senate. There is hope for us all after all. We talked about the need for my teenage boys, soon to be men to ALWAYS ALWAYS protect black women and their future families. So, I guess you ask what is their to be thankful for, so much!

Our young folks SHOWED up and out!

Even though we still have votes in play, the turn out of our 18-29 age group was amazing! Young people I am so encouraged that you are our future. We have failed yall in the past, but you are showing us what it really means to show up for our country. I’m ecstatic and I pray you continue to use your voice in EVERY election. The run offs that will occur after the election for the Senate are key and we need you once again to show up!

Black WOMEN once again saved America!

In a country where black women are constantly underestimated, underappreciated, copied with no credit, underpaid and I could go on and on but you know what it is. This country without fail doesn't recognize the intelligence of black women. We rarely fall for the bull that this world gives us. Although we saw more black women vote for the clown this year, black women are the largest group to vote blue in the past 2 elections. In a pandemic with no end we recognized the need for change. I am not surprised, we always show up!! I remain in awe of our black girl magic. I would be remissed if I didnt speak about Ms. Stacy Abrams who ensured over 800,000 voters in Georgia registered to vote. It's because of her hard work and dedication to fight for justice that there is now a strong possibilty that Biden will take GA. No matter the outcome, Ms. Abrams made history. Yet another black woman putting America on their back.

The World NOW understands their vote matters!

This election has truly been too close for comfort. As we wait for Nevada, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Georgia to finish up the count, it is literally coming down to a few thousand votes. I hope this shows all of the doubters how impactful their voice combined with others can be. This election has also showed us how much some people don’t want our voices to be heard, that alone should tell you that your vote is truly valuable. Let this election remind you the importance of voting in EVERY election. When we come together we can accomplish so much more.

I also wanted to share 3 things I'm personally thankful for!
I'm Thankful for my family! The fact that it will always be us against the world. When all else fails we will forever have each other. No greater love than that.

I'm thankful for our health. Out here in these COVID ridden streets we have managed to stay healthy. Also after social distancing for 7 months we have managed to not kill each other...in a family of 6 that can be so hard.

I'm thankful for the opportunity to grow. As long as we are able to LEARN from every situation, we are able to grow. We have a chance to learn from our mistakes and make better decisions in the future. As a parent, I've always said I pray to have successful children that have a strong sense of self and are able to stand on their own. I stand by that, but I also pray that they are able to learn and grow from their mistakes.

Be safe out there! What are you thankful for post election??

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