5 Things I MISS because of the Pandemic!

5 Things I MISS because of the Pandemic!

I try to stay pretty positive, but chile I am tired. I am sick and tired of this damn pandemic. I’ve had it. I am beyond over it. My house is going stir crazy. There is only so much time we can all spend together. I know that sounds crazy, but when you have a family of 6, you are just literally bound to get on each other’s nerves. My 2 oldest boy’s and my husband work outside of the house so they get a little time away. Me and the 2 youngest are literally hermits in this house and we are currently irritated with everyone else simply because WE don’t have anywhere to go. The kids are over me because I have plenty of time to tell them what they could be doing with their time. Please say a prayer for us. All of these feelings led me to create a list of things I miss because of this pandemic. Let’s get into it.

  1. The kid’s going to brick and mortar school-If you have never heard that term, it just means going to school in a physical building. In general, my kid’s aren’t super fans of school because let’s face it the curriculum is subpar, but the expectation to do well is clear. The kids all miss their friends so much. Human interaction is key for development. Being able to chop it up with your boys or girls at lunch is a true privilege we didn’t realize we had. Also, when it comes to teaching, the engagement is 10 times better at school. Mainly because some of these teachers really haven’t figured out how to navigate virtual school, besides just throwing a bunch of assignments at them. I really hope the school board does more research on facilitating virtually because as a Virtual Training Manager for a fortune 500 company, I can tell you that engagement has to be INTENTIONAL. You plan it out and you have to be okay with some trial and error. I’ve sat in on some of these classes and they are boring or way off topic. We are all wondering when this will be over and when it will be safe for them to return to school.

  2. Going to Sporting Events-As much as I used to complain about my schedule being filled with practices and games, I really miss it. I miss being a football, cheer, track, and basketball mom! Yes, my kids are involved in so many sports. I didn’t realize how much encouraging and cheering for them has become such an intricate part of my life. I think that it connected us all on some level as well. My two oldest boys do some virtual workouts with the football team, but that has been the extent of our involvement with sports this year. As a parent this was my only time to physically interact with adults. I’d often times get to hang with the other parents, needless to say my interactions with other adults is 0% at this point. It sucks, we can’t wait to get back at it.

  3. The privilege of feeling safe and carefree-In WA state, masks have been mandatory since June 26th. Which means we are 4 months into the mask mandate. I definitely agree with the decision because this disease is highly contagious and we need to keep everyone as safe as possible. However, I still miss the mask free days. I miss being able to go on a date night anywhere we want to with out the fear of possibly catching a deadly disease. On Wednesday, we went to Red Robin to celebrate Trayce’s 17th Birthday. It was the first time we have been out as a family in a VERY long time. I can’t really remember the last time we have all been out in a public place. It was nice, but the social distancing was apparent. My senses were also heightened as I watched others to ensure they were not coming close to our table without a mask. Sanitizer was used before and after our meal. Who knew feeling safe was a privilege? 2020 has been extremely humbling.

  4. Being able to travel freely-Although the travel ban has been lifted across most of the US, nothing is safe. Airplanes, buses, and trains are all places where you can be exposed. Every year for the Holiday’s my mom comes from Kansas up to Washington State for Thanksgiving or Christmas. Last year, I won BIG and she stayed for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s. It was the best, I love having my mom here. Now, I’m wondering if me being greedy for her time last year is biting me this year. Due to the pandemic and momma having previous medical conditions we don’t feel it’s safe for her to fly. She just doesn’t need that type of exposure. Her remaining healthy is more important than being with us on one holiday. We want her around for the long haul and I would never put her health at risk. This year I’ll be on my own. I already feel so sad about it. I just do, but I’ll get over it.

  5. Costco Samples-LOL! Don’t come for me. This list was sad and we all need a good smile. For real though, I come up on some good stuff trying out the samples in Costco. Since the pandemic the little sample stations are no longer there for everyone’s safety. Folks would be gathered around trying to get a sample and clearly that doesn’t fall under social distancing guidelines. I get it, but I still miss it. We all could use a little snack while shopping.

In the comments share with me what do you miss because of the pandemic?

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