Merry Bookmas! 12 Days of Holiday Books!

Merry Bookmas! 12 Days of Holiday Books!

We are 12 days away from Christmas and I am sharing a Holiday Book each day on the blog, up until Christmas. I’ll be adding to the list below. All the Holiday books are Romance themed Novellas aka short stories by Black authors. The books will be under 200 pages. Scroll down for my Holiday book recommendations for the 12 days of Bookmas! Click on the book title or picture to purchase the book or download them for free with Kindle Unlimited. These books are digital, which allows you to read them on a Kindle or any device that you can download the Kindle App on, even your phone. You can read more information about that here.

Update: I have been reading Holiday books daily since December 1st to share and to say it's been ghetto is an understatement. I have been severely underwhelmed. However, we are pushing through. Every book I am sharing I have enjoyed.

*Please note the links are affiliate links. Thanks in Advance.

Bookmas #1 12 days til Christmas!

Snowed in Love Affair by Shanel and Shay Davis

Yessss this was so good!

Laken was in a boring, lackluster, unfaithful relationship and honestly I couldn't see what she saw in her boyfriend Calen. Due to his carelessness she stumbles upon Devin. A beautiful man that changes the outlook she has on love, life, and her future. They end up being snowed in for a few days and baby the chemistry between them is piping hot! Read more below!

Title Reads Snowed in Love affair with gifts underneath the title, and a lit Christmas tree in the background.

Click on the Picture to purchase the book.

Bookmas #2 11 days til Christmas!

A Billionaire for Christmas Z'yera and Kaso

Ayye this story gave us a lot in such a short time frame. Z'yera had the world on her shoulders as she fought to take care of her entire family. Young love caused her to make some decisions that sent her down a rough path. She chose to sacrifice herself for the well being of her daughter, sister, and mother. That path led her to Kaso. Kaso was a young boss and I liked his swag. I'm a sucker for a fine business man with a side of hood in the world of fiction. Sue me, we all have vices 🤷🏾‍♀️. The initial way they met was an unusual way to find love, but they definitely had a connection. Although this was fast paced, I enjoyed them uncovering that maybe they had something real.

Click on the picture to purchase the book.

Bookmas #3 10 Days til Christmas!!

A Winter Crest Christmas: Indiana and Ransom

This is a series of 14 Holiday books. This one has been my favorite so far. I will add any that I really like to the list as it goes along. This is a deep Christmas story. It's definitely not your typical happy go lucky story. Ransom is a famous rapper that has lived and accomplished a lot and now he is ready to settle down and start a family. He is taking steps in that direction by marrying his long time girlfriend, albeit he is unsure if she is the one. Heading to his reception to call off the festivities he runs into Indiana whom he had paid extra to set up the reception. She is so kind and helps him get rid of all the food. After his debacle of a wedding he is still doing his thang but has found some solace with Indiana. Physically these two were off the chain. They seemed to also support each other emotionally as well, and forged a friendship of sorts.

Listen there is a lot that occurred in this story...covering grief, drug use and abuse, properly celebrating your loved ones, and having the courage to move forward. Excellent read for such a short story.

Bookmas #4 9 days until Christmas!

Where Hearts Lie

I really enjoyed this book. Even though the couple, Sage and Brynlee, worked my nerves with their lack of communication. Their story felt real. When you are in a relationship for years there are peaks and valleys. When things went bad they shut down instead of communicating. Even though they were in love it seemingly was not enough and they chose to divorce.

Fate brings them back in each other's presence years later and they realize the love between them is as strong as ever. Their lives are on different paths and they have to decide is their love really enough to fight for this time? This story was very relatable and felt like something you would be supporting a friend through. Short stories don't always do it for me, but this one hits the mark.

Bookmas #5 8 Days Until Christmas!


This is my favorite Holiday book of the season so far.

Nola and Bricks meet after Nola misses her flight and needs a ride. They both happen to be going to the same ski town and Bricks is strong armed to help her out. Although Bricks is fine as wine, he's giving square energy instead of BDE, so it seems. After a long ride to the snowy paradise Nola can't wait to get away from him, but fate brings them together again. As they spend time together the layers and walls both of them have up are slowly peeled back. Nola quickly realizes that old saying you can't judge a book by its cover truly applies to Bricks. She has already committed herself to a plan that she realizes may not have the best outcome, but she's hoping for the best. This story is just seriously quietly beautiful.

Although, it's a short book it's serving up the Holiday spirit, overcoming grief, finding new love, being vulnerable, and getting past hurt feelings. The ending was simple, sweet, and perfect. Also, It's been a minute, but definitely adding Bricks to the bookbae list.

Click picture to purchase book or read free with Kindle Unlimited

Bookmas #6 7 Days Until Christmas!

A Goon for Christmas

I mean who doesn't need a goon for Christmas?? Legend was everything!! Legend was the heir to a street empire and in order to claim his birthright he had to be married before he turned 30. Legend was wild and had no potential brides. The chick that "on paper" seemed like a perfect match didn't peak his interest at all. There was only one woman that had him wide open and he didn't really know her, because she wasn't having it.

As fate would have it this beautiful woman entered his life again right before he found himself making the mistake of a lifetime. Ginger was raw, a little rough around the edges, but she was a hard worker with a big heart. She loved fiercely but it was rarely reciprocated which had her hesitant when it came to Legend. Ginger tried to ignore their connection, but the pull between them was magnetic.

I love that Legend was so clear that Ginger was his wife. Although his demeanor was hard, he was gentle and caring with her when needed. His actions showed how much he loved her and he would do anything to make her his Queen!

Yessss to this story, it gave so much in a short time!

Bookmas #7 6 Days Until Christmas!

Santa's Cummin to Town

I love a good second chance love and this one fit the bill. The book opens up with a heartbreakingly beautiful, sad, and mature prologue. Nobu and Hendrix realize that they are at an impasse in their relationship that they can't seem to work through. The best way to describe it is...they were reading the same book, but both were in different chapters and it seemed that neither wanted to compromise to find a place together in the book. Instead of continuing to argue they decided to stop reading the book all together. While they had a mature conversation it was hard to witness them let go when the love was still strong. Years later they reunite and decide that they are more than willing to compromise this time around. It was a short story, but their love and passion for one another felt very real. Bu and Henny had met their match and this time they were going to do everything to stay together.

Bookmas #8 5 Days Until Christmas!

Mistletoe Blues

Joie and Blue were too cute ♥️

They were both working in the mall during Holiday season for extra cash. Blue was the seemingly sexy Santa that kept stopping by Joie's makeup counter. A dare leaves Joie heavy on Blue's mind and fate brings them back together outside of the mall. Their chemistry is amazing! Loved the flirting and how they didn't shy away from their connection. They spend hours together getting to know each other, drinking, and having fun and it only heightens their connection. Christmas was well represented throughout the story and made it a solid sexy Holiday Read. I would definitely read a follow up story about them.

They restored my faith in Holiday Books, because it was touch and go for a while there.

Bookmas #9 4 Days Until Christmas!

A Dash of Christmas Magic

This was such a cute Holiday short!

Malachi and Sinaa first meet and the timing isn't quite right. Fate brings them together again and they are inseparable. They have an immediate connection and it's magical. enjoyed them together and it definitely felt meant to be. Malachi was serving all the alpha, protector, BDE and I was here for it all. I loved the way he supported and cared for his sister. He gave that same energy to Sinaa even though they just met. He was sweet and intentional with their dates. He showed with his actions and consistency how much Sinaa meant to him. We love a man that is clear on what he wants! He overwhelmed Sinaa with love and affection and most importantly he made her feel safe. Ooh and the plot twist was wow too even though I called it.

This book gave so much in under 100 pages. You could literally feel the magic between Malachi and Sinaa. I also felt like there was just enough Christmas in the background. Excellent read! I definitely need a book 2 though to see how they worked through their living situation.

Bookmas #10 3 Days Until Christmas!

Baes of Christmas: Tens Christmas Shots

Sloane was Scrooge himself because after her divorce to a man that loved all things Christmas she vowed to despise the holiday. Even though she knew her Ex wasn't right for her she had hoped that he would change and of course he never did, instead he got worse. Their divorce left her steering clear of meaningful relationships and all things Christmas. Just when her friends start to intervene she runs into a man that she never thought she would see again. A man that she once had a strong connection to, but never got to know was thrust back into her life. Maddox was visiting his father and his siblings when he ran into the woman he had been unable to forget. Once back in each other's presence their connection was just as intense as they both remembered.

This sweet little story encourages healing and both Maddox and Sloane are there to move each other forward.

Bookmas #11 2 Days Until Christmas!

Six Sensual Wishes: Baes of Christmas

I enjoyed Eva and Bash. They had known each other for years, they were good friends and really. While they had a connection both ignored it. Bash was tired of ignoring his feelings, tired of waiting for Eva to get the hint that he wanted more. Bash's mission: Make Eva Mine. He pulled all the stops doing just that by taking her to paradise. Something about this approach was beautiful. They spent time connecting, diving more into learning each other from a relationship standpoint, and creating fireworks in the bedroom. I'm a sucker for a friends to lovers romance and this didn't disappoint. I loved that their families were already connected and there was so much love around them. #blacklove is everything! I would read a full book about them.

Bookmas #12 1 Day Until Christmas!

With Love, This Christmas

Yesss come on with the consistency Ms. Brown!!

I'm a sucker for friends to lovers and this was everything! Noelle and Kane had been friends since they were 5. They had a special friendship that was so strong it united their families. Their families knew that something more was between them, even if they were unwilling to admit it. Both Kane and Noelle were so scared to lose each other that they were afraid to share what they really felt. They had wasted a lot of time avoiding their feelings, but in doing so they built a rock solid relationship. They went from 0 to 60 and it felt right because of the strong friendship they had built. This was a sweet story and I enjoyed them finally finding their way to each other.

Bookmas #13 Merry Christmas!

A Lonely Christmas

This was a heartbreakingly beautiful story.

Brooklyn and Omari are both grieving a woman that was extremely special to them both. A woman that was the backbone of their relationship, although she was young. The heaviness of the situation was handled with so much care. They remembered her, cried over their loss, laughed at her antics, but most importantly realized time waited for no one. The slow burn and chemistry that had been simmering between them for years was still present, but finally the time was now. They were ready to act on the love that they clearly shared. The grief they shared allowed for a beautiful healing love. A heavy yet sweet short read.

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!! Share with me what Holiday Reads you enjoyed the most in the comments.

Blessings to you and your family in the New Year!

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