9 Things I Hate About Aging

9 Things I Hate About Aging

I am a few months into my 38th year of life and wow has it been a challenging year. The older I get, I notice that my body is just not the same. Hell, I’m not the same and I know for a fact that is a good thing. I have grown a lot as a woman. However, there are some things that I hate about aging. Let’s get into it!

  1. Weight Gain - Over the past 9 years I have slowly gained a few pounds each year. Well after 9 years that adds up. As a woman who has been petite her whole life without trying, this is a hard transition for me. Literally all of my jeans have been in my closet for 10-12 years and I can fit maybe 2 pair. When I visited my family this summer, the running theme was ooh you have gained weight. Words no one really wants to hear. I LOVE to eat and I don’t play about food. You won’t find me nibbling around and ordering salad when we go out to eat. Unfortunately it is truly catching up to me now. I find myself trying to watch what I eat more and more, but I still haven’t committed to a full blown diet. I’m also inconsistent with working out. Needless to say I hate it here and I need prayer to get myself back to a comfortable weight.

  2. Weaker Immune System - It seems like when I get sick now it affects me longer. That cough now lasts for a week instead of a few days. I am a person that doesn’t take medicine. I am not a fan of the way it makes me feel and it was never a problem. Now it’s like how long is this cold going to last. Definitely have to make sure you are taking more preventative measures for your health and wellness.

  3. Feeling like I am losing my children - With all the complaining I do about balancing and being tired you would think this wouldn't be an issue. However, I have been a mom for almost 18 years and my existence is wrapped around my babies. As they get older and need me less and less it definitely feels like I am losing apart of myself. It's hard to explain, but you go from caring for a person daily to them barely needing you. It just doesn't feel right.

  4. Random Pain - All of a sudden your joints are tight. You are experiencing back pain randomly. Since I’m always typing at the computer, I have noticeable aches in my arm and my elbow. Just from using it over time. It sucks, but it is definitely apart of the aging process. Me and my sisters are over this part of the aging journey.

  5. Easily Winded - My house is 3 stories and I spend most of my time upstairs working. Some days I need things up, down and around and I find myself winded. Smh I know I need to do better. Things that are usually par for the course, take more out of you than it should.

  6. Hot Flashes - Although I haven't yet experienced these, the women in my life say that it feels like you are burning up on the inside. You have an immediate need to get cool asap. They seem to happen at inopportune times as well. Hang in there queens!

  7. Diminished Vision - Let me be candid, I have never been able to see. I have been wearing glasses since Kindergarten and as I get older it definitely hasn’t gotten any better. I have gone through a few prescriptions as my vision has gotten worse. I have 4 sisters (I am the 2nd to youngest) and we all wear glasses now, it’s tragic. One of my sisters went from 20/20 vision to needing glasses daily. My mom shifts from reading glasses to everyday glasses to combat this change. It is definitely not a perk.

  8. Lack of patience - Listen the Jones' girls said we do not have time for your shenanigans. Get right or don’t come at all. At our age we appreciate stability, consistent effort, and things that make sense. If you are unstable and all over the place we have no patience for you.

  9. Feeling Immortal - We all know tomorrow is not promised. However, as you get older and you start to see people in your age group and younger pass away it is a hard pill to swallow. The last thing I want is to leave my babies, but I definitely wouldn’t want any of them to pass before me. We are at the age now where it’s important to have you affairs in order. Life insurance, maybe a few policies should be in place. Beneficiaries of your assets should be clear. If not there is nothing like the present, you want to ease that burden for your loved ones.

Aging is truly a blessing. Everyday I wake up I am grateful for another day. This post is to let my queens know you are not in this aging thing alone. It’s something we all go through. Keep your head up and continue to find ways to be the best you.

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