8 WORK from home tips that will BOOST your productivity and keep you sane!

8 WORK from home tips that will BOOST your productivity and keep you sane!


With the pandemic many of you are now working from home. I have been working from home for over 8 years and it took a moment to get in the groove. So, I am sharing some tips to help reduce your learning curve.

1.) Have a designated office/room/space to work in.

It is important to have a designated area that is just for you to “work” in. I have an office with a door. I have my desk facing the door so that I can easily signal to any of my family members when I am actively in meetings should anyone still open the door. I hurriedly tell them to get gone.

2.) Establish set office hours.

I’m on salary and have flexibility, but I find working set hours allows me to “turn off.” I try to finish at the latest by 5pm to ensure that I am able to cook dinner for my family at a reasonable time. There are always peak seasons where I may have to go back to work, but for the most part I hold tight to that boundary which allows dinner to be prepared by 6:30 pm.

3.) Do NOT undock your work laptop.

If you don’t have a docking station this means don’t use your work laptop ALL over your house. This will help you avoid working around the clock or whenever it’s “convenient,” because you can. I am a workaholic and by giving myself boundaries it has helped greatly with my work-life balance.

4.) Do NOT put your work email on your phone.

Nor should you be logged into any work programs/systems on your phone outside of your designated work hours. If you work in a demanding corporate job like myself, you understand work never stops. There will always be work to do. Giving people 100% access to you at all times is the quickest way to burn out. It also sets the expectation that you value and respect your downtime. In turn your coworkers will also respect your downtime and think twice before reaching out to you instead of the appropriate POCs.

5.) EAT Properly

Listen, it is so easy to forget to eat because you are at home and in your mind you can grab something quickly. Take it from someone that has blown up their metabolism by either eating all day sitting for 8-10 hrs a day or by not eating enough throughout the day. This area is not my strong suit, but I know for a fact you will be more productive if you are eating regularly.

6.) Avoid Multitasking

I don’t mean work tasks. I mean there should be a clear line drawn that you are only focused on work when working. That sounds crazy I know but some folks are attempting to watch TV, parent children, play games when they should be working. Remember just because you have access to these things doesn’t mean you should be doing them while working. Since people can’t physically stop at your desk and there are less visual distractions you should be able to be twice as productive as you would be on site.

7.) Get Dressed

Now I know this is definitely the pot calling the kettle black because I’ve been known to chill in my pajamas. Lawd knows I am a work in progress. However, on the days I get right and don’t roll out of bed 5 minutes before I need to start work it takes me much less time to get in a groove. I am alert and it helps set a positive tone for the day.

8.) Take breaks

Sitting for 8 hours straight isn’t good for anyone. Make sure to take some time to stretch. Take a break and destress. Actually eating away from your computer is a good best practice as well. Some of my team members make it a point to take a walk daily. I think it’s a great way to get outside and get some fresh air.

These tips are a great way to boost your productivity at work while maintaining your sanity outside of work.

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