9 ways to give your partner attention, Even when you are busy!

9 ways to give your partner attention, Even when you are busy!

As we grind to take care of our families it seems like we are busier than ever. In the midst of a pandemic and rampant racial injustice the common thread is the need for money to allow us to be free. Never have I seen more people become entrepreneurs or pursue side hustles. This is the age of forget the government, how can I take care of myself and my family. With that said we sometimes run out of time for those that matter most to us. Which in my opinion can’t happen consistently. You have to make time for people and things that you care about. The key thing is to be intentional with the time you DO have. Period. I am listing 9 ways to show your partner attention, even when you are busy!

  1. Surprise them with lunch- If you can, physically show up with their favorite lunch. You are going to gain some major cool points with your partner. Imagine the surprised excitement that will beam from the sight of your face. However, with all the COVID regulations this might not be a viable option. Don’t let that deter you, we are in the age of doordash, uber eats, and instacart. You can totally have their lunch delivered to let them know you are thinking of them. Another option is to prepare lunch for them to take to work. Take the time to add a sweet little note letting them know how much you love them, as well as their favorite sweet treat. I don’t know who needs to hear this, but most women love food. Especially food they don’t have to cook, plan, or manage.

  2. Perform an act of love- Does your partner hate getting gas? Get up early and fill up the tank for them. Do they hate folding laundry? Fold and put up the laundry for them. Are they always complaining about their feet hurting? Take them to get a deluxe pedicure. Have they been experiencing back pain? Set up a nice spa day and get them a massage. Have they been extra tired? Take the kids for a day out and let your partner sleep in. You get the theme. It’s time to really listen to the the things they are saying as well as tuning in to their actions to guide you in performing a thoughtful act of love.

  3. Speak Positively to them-Kind words go a LONG WAY. They also indicate that you are paying attention to them during the little time you may have together. Let them know you like their hair. Did those muscles look just right in that shirt? Do they look amazing in green? That new scent they are wearing smells amazing. Legs looking just right in that skirt? Speak on it! Let them know that you SEE them and you like what you see. Kind words are great any time of the day.

  4. Plan Date Nights-If you don’t have date nights, now is a great time to suggest it. Let your partner know that you value one on one time with them. Even if it is only once a month, it is something to look forward to. Go out, get dressed up or be comfortable, whatever works for your relationship and do something fun together. You have time to plan it out and ensure you do something safely. Some ideas are of course dinner, mini golf, bowling, and visit a tourist attraction that you take for granted in your home town. Turn those phones off and just vibe together.

  5. Learn something new together-My husband has taken me to so many different places. We have eaten good food, we have traveled to several states, been to concerts, done tourist cruises around different cities, attended an All star game, and visited so many beaches. However, one of my favorite moments is when he called me into the man cave and had a tutorial on how to tango on the big screen in the man cave. I mean can we all swoon. I love to dance, so this was speaking to my soul. It was the funnest thing we have ever done together. We laughed as we messed up and we had a great time learning the steps together. This special moment was free and didn’t require us to go anywhere. Think outside of the box; what would your significant other enjoy that you may not be into but could compromise on to make them happy. With the little free time you have, make it happen.

  6. Go for a walk-Nothing like taking a little evening walk. Walks can be so intimate. You hold hands and you talk about your day. You catch up on things going on with your family. You inform them of anything happening at work that may interrupt your time for each other. You talk about your future date night plans. You talk about trending topics in the world. You tell them how good that outfit looked on them if you haven’t already and how much you love it when they wear blue. Yes, all of this can be accomplished during a little walk around your neighborhood. Obviously this won’t happen everyday, but when you have time make the best of it.

  7. Be attentive- Isn’t that a novel idea, actually show them some attention! Kiss and hug them as soon as you get home. If your partner is cooking, walk by and rub their back. Ask them to watch sports or your favorite TV show with you. Listen to them! Show some affection-caress their face, rub their shoulders, send them some suggestive looks. Hey do what you have to do to so they understand you are all about them.

  8. Send fun texts-Let your significant other know you are thinking of them by sending random texts throughout the day. No they don’t have to be raunchy, although that’s not a bad idea either. Hey, we are grown. I like to send the hubs random song lyrics that make me think of him. Find something you connect on. Pictures or videos of your new baby. Did you complete a milestone at work? Share quick highlights.

  9. Laugh-There are two quotes that come to mind: Laughter is food for the soul and Laughter is the best medicine. I agree with both. When you think about your best memories they are often full of laughter. If I’m laughing it must be a good time. I personally like to get on my husbands nerves. Irritate him a little bit until he can’t help but laugh. Did you see something funny on social media? Share that and laugh together.

I want to close with a reminder that tomorrow is not promised. Put those phones down and pay attention to your partner. It is important that you are intentional with the time you have today! Give those that matter the most to you their flowers while you can. I hope this list serves you with some ideas to do just that.

In the comments please share ways you intentionally give attention to your significant other.

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