Moms, How to Stay Sane During Holiday Season!

Moms, How to Stay Sane During Holiday Season!

I currently have pink eye as I type this. My throat also was on fire, but is now feeling better. My body however just feels so tired. I have been resting and once I type this I will finish a paper I have to get in by a deadline for my day job and will then go back to resting. All of this to say apparently I had forethought that I was going to need this reminder on how to stay sane during Holiday Season. Most Moms are the designated person that makes the Holiday spirit happen. The holiday decor, organizing holiday pictures, getting clothes for holiday pictures, buying all of the gifts, and cooking the holiday meals. Often times all while working full time and during these times being responsible for keeping your children on track with virtual school. I’m speaking for myself and for others, we have a hard job. During this season we are often giving, giving, and giving. It is important to take some time to refill your cup because you can not pour into others when your cup is empty.

Let’s get into the 4 tips to stay say sane this holiday season.

Order your Groceries-This is a serious cheat code and a must have for me. I have a family of 6 and in order to plan meals properly for a family this large you have to be on top of your game weekly. I am an advocate for Walmart delivery or pick up because the time and energy gained from NOT going to the store is unmatched. On top of that, it helps reel me in and focus on only buying things that we need. Keeping us on track with the budget is key and since you are able to easily track the cost as you add items to your cart it is a huge win. Every Thursday I order groceries to be delivered on Friday and cover the following week. It is super convenient and really reduces the stress of grocery shopping. You can find out more about Walmart delivery here.

Outsource Help This is my biggest area of opportunity. Moms have a pride about being able to do it all. However, that is extremely overrated. We can’t do and be all things to everyone. Initially when I wrote this my mind was on hiring someone to come deep clean which is still a good idea. Those tasks that you struggle with which for me is putting up laundry, washing dishes, cleaning baseboards once a month pay for a deep cleaning while you reclaim your time. The key thing here is getting someone else to do some of these tasks which could just be your children, husband, or significant other. Let them know that you need them to actively participate with some of these chores. Share the chores.

Do something just for you Listen this is one thing I don’t have a problem doing. I find time to listen to music and read. These are things I like to do during my down time or sometimes when I’m avoiding putting clothes up, hey don’t judge. Some things you can do for yourself are take a nice relaxing bubble bath, try a new hobby, and my fave pick up your favorite food and enjoy every minute of it alone in the car. Whatever it is you deserve that me time queen.

Rest, you deserve it I think we often under estimate how important resting really is. The older I get the more I realize girl you no longer have the capacity to do all of these things without resting properly. If you need a nap and your children are covered, just take the nap sis. All the things that need to be completed will still be there and after you rest you will have the energy to complete them. Those of you that work a day job like me, use your vacation, pto or sick time. It is yours use it and rest. Rest before your body forces you too.

It’s crazy because I was so excited about taking ever Friday off for the month of December. I had big plans for this weekend and now I am sick. I could have rested earlier, because I knew I was tired. Don’t be like me plan yourself some wellness days. I know that the Holiday season is meant to be fun, but for moms it can really be overwhelming. If you see someone struggling please offer them some help. Let’s take care of ourselves and each other.

What do you do to stay sane during Holiday season?

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