10 Black Female Authors You Should Read or Gift To Others

10 Black Female Authors You Should Read or Gift To Others

It’s Holiday Season and this is the time of year for giving. If you love books or someone in your life does, the gift of a good book is amazing. I am listing 10 black female authors that you should read or gift to your friends and family members. These women are all authors that I read and stood out for me in 2020!! If you follow me on Instagram you know that I’m not the self help, let’s get our business right type of reader. In other words non-fiction is usually NOT my jam. However, as I focus on my blogger journey I plan to be more open to anything that will help me be successful. Reading for me is my favorite past time and I like to keep it light. When I have free moments to myself, you can bet I’m sneaking in some reading. As of late I have been heavy on adult relationship, romance type books. Needless to say I’ve enjoyed them all year. A typical week for me is to read about 3 books. However, a few weeks ago I couldn't finish a book. That election really had me off my game and I’m so glad it’s over. I was able to exhale and get back to the things l love.

So what am I reading?? Well, I guess the better question is Who am I reading?? And would I recommend them for you, your family, and friends? Let’s get into it.

*If you click the author's name it will take you to their author page on Amazon where you can browse or purchase physical or Kindle books. This post is not sponsored.

Celeste Granger - I recently finished her Ali brother's 5 part series and the bonus 6th book. Each book basically documents each brother finding their wife aka Queen. I mean let’s swoon because these brothers are fine fine. Tall, dark chocolate, intelligent, and successful. They are a black women's fairytale because of the WAY they protect and love on their black women. Raise the standards please and thank you! Each story was unique and I was completely invested in seeing how each story would play out. It was hard for me to pick a favorite because they were all so good. However, the last one really touched my heart. The one titled as “Ameer,” shares how he fell in love with his queen and her son. The story is so untraditional as you learn more about them and it really touched my heart. Having once being a single mom of four after a divorce I related to the story even though it was extremely different from mine. However, the WAY they accepted this sweet little boy in their family was so beautiful. The bonus story of a character we met in Ameer’s story led to a sweet bonus book called “Even Me,” and I enjoyed that as well. This author does a good job of highlighting black characters in a positive light and we need that so much.

Love Belvin-Never disappoints. Listen these books are rated R, adult, 50 shades of grey ish but more relatable. If that is not your thing, these are not the stories for you. I have read a number of books by her over the years and am always thoroughly impressed and intrigued with her story lines. I somehow fell into the sports romance genre (I still love it) and she and her fellow author Christina C. Jones have a Connecticut Kings series that just keeps on giving. I also fell in love with her Sadik and Ezra Series. The way that she presents these black men…chile you will be trying to find them. It’s the confidence for me. These characters, these men she creates jump off the page and into your heart because they are unique, but embody what a woman really dreams of black men to be. This year I read her standalone book Love’s Inconvenient Truth and it was a whirlwind. It was a love story where the heroine was haunted by her past and was unable to let the hero love her. I really simplified it but the rollercoaster ride she took me own, I will read anything she writes, period.

Christina C. Jones-She is the fellow author I mentioned above. I prefer full length books usually, but Christina actually writes really engaging short stories. I’ll be honest before reading her work I could not stand short stories. I always felt like something was missing, like the story wasn’t complete. Often times it would feel like there was a rush to end rather than fully let the story arc. Well Ms. Jones doesn’t have that problem. I read “Me + Somebody’s Son: A Heights Story,” which was a quick snack and I enjoyed every bit of this story. I laughed and cheered the characters on. Another good one was “Press Rewind,” which was a sweet little get my boo back story after two lovers lose their relationship over pettiness gone too far. If you don’t have a lot of time, but love the spirit of black love this is the author for you. She will leave you fulfilled with the short stories.

Te’ Russ-Over the years I have read several books by Ms. Russ. Her Noble series was everything. Listen, I am a fan of black love and this author gives me all of that. This year I read her Wild Knight series, which is sort of a spin off from the Noble’s. The Wild Knight series is about the three Knight brothers all finding the love of their lives. It’s definitely safe to say that I am a fan of the Knight brothers. I’m still trying to find all these wealthy yet humble, sweet, caring, and chivalrous black men. That’s exactly who these brothers were. Each story was so different, but I think the first, “Falling for a Knight,” out of the three was my favorite. It was an unexpected story and I loved the way he supported her to pursue her dreams. I love a supportive King. What I love about her stories is that I am able to relate to them. I feel like the supporting characters could be my cousins. The language, the girlfriends, the doting moms really just speak to the way black people live.

Monica Walters-I have read a few books by this author and need to read more from her. However, she has tons of books that are highly rated on goodreads, so I wanted to still share as she may connect with someone else. The book I enjoyed the most of hers was “Until I Met You,” this was a love delayed story and had an unorthodox story line and I liked that. These characters were older and you don’t often find romance books that feature older characters. The way that she approached the relationship was different and I enjoyed the supporting characters as well. I will continue to read books by this author.

Alexandria House-Over the years I have read 16 books by this author and she will remain in my rotation. By now I’m sure yall know that I am a sucker for a good series and this author serves those right up for me. The McClain Brothers was one of her first series I fell in love with. The way that Ms. House describes her characters, I can visually see them. The afros, the big perfect lips, the dreads, the fades, I mean give it to us. I just felt like she was representing me, a regular black girl in her stories. Each story was so different and again emphasized black love. This year I read the “Them Boys,” series and loved all three books. There were three Mitchell brothers that couldn’t have been more different. These characters were beautifully layered and so passionate. These were novellas, so they were not too long but the author did a good job telling the full story of each character. I would have read 100 more pages of each story, they were that good.

Nicole Falls-I found her this year and look forward to reading more books by her. I read her New beginning series which featured sports romances. They were dissimilar yet relatable. These characters were fun and dare I say regular, it was fun reading their evolution. She has some great stand alone books that I have enjoyed as well. “Release some tension,” was so good. It was a story of a situationship turned relationship. It was interesting because it was actually the woman that was less hesitant to move forward in this story. Their connection was off the charts and you could feel their happiness, even before they recognized it. Another good one was “F**ck and fall in love: a novella,” well that title says it all. Another unexpected love story that was intense and passionate. It was a short story, but you felt the evolution of their relationship. The hesitancy, the growth. So relatable! I definitely want to read more from her.

B. Love- This author became one of my favorites this year. What I love most about good black authors is their ability to make you connect to the characters with the language and imagery. When I can literally picture the scenes and it makes me feel like it could be me or my friend or family members real life story then I am bought in. One book that encompasses all the things mentioned is “Strumming My Pain,” this story was about your homegirl that was in love with the wrong dude. Then the man that everyone wants, but she feels like is just too much comes along. I loved the way this story came together and it was just….magical. I also loved “Last Chance to Love,” which was a novella. This is another author that completely changed my mind and perception about novellas or short stories. The story is a second chance love story. Where two young lovers lost their way and eventually make their way back together. It was complicated, layered, and so good. Definitely ready to dive into more stories from her.

Stephanie Nicole Norris-I have been reading Ms. Norris for years. Her consistency is what keeps me coming back. I started off reading her Valentine series and loved every bit of those men in that series. Her strength is the way she describes things. She uses real life situations like health issues, self doubt, being strung along in long term relationships, and struggling to move on that make her stories so associate with the reader. When you read her stories you will appreciate both the character and story development. She will have you all the way bought in. This year I read the 6th book in the Valentine series “In Pursuit of You,” and it was worth the wait. Hell I’m pretty sure I was in love with DeAndre the main character ha ha. He was the total package with looks but his personality was so sweet, passionate, and open minded. As he found his significant other and they worked to knock down each others walls, I was wrapped all the way in. She blessed us with a 7th book in the series this year “And This I Swear,” and it was everything. The main character Bridgette who was the mother of the Valentine brothers urked my nerves, but I felt her. I understood her reservations. As we get older stuff gets real and it caused her to make assumptions without validation. The good news is that Leslie, her husband whom was super attentive loved her through that stage in her life. It was the sweetest story. Listen just read her books!

Sherelle Green-I started reading her To Marry a Madden series this year. I’m glad I stumbled on them all at once because there are some years between the books. My love for the Madden brothers started off with a bang. The first book “Blessed by Malakai,” was so good. Malakai was an artist, a sweet creative that seemed to be a work of art himself. He was blessed to really understand how to please women and had no thoughts about settling down. Until he met a woman that changed all of that. The Madden brothers are nothing alike we are talking an artist, reformed bad boy, cowboy, and a Veteran. You can imagine their preferences in women are varying. Each story is special and not only positively highlights the brothers, but these women are amazing also. All of them smart, independent, and just bosses. I love the range of her characters and am always intrigued by the story lines.

All of these authors have tons of books for you to choose from. You have series for the avid readers. Novellas for the reader’s with just a little time or maybe a short attention span. You have complex love stories and some more relatable. Whatever it is around relationships these author’s have it covered for you.

What author’s have you read this year?

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